
Broadcast Texting

Campaign Management


Organize Actions, Broadcasts, Lists, and More with Improved Folders

We expanded the functionality of folders to create a more dynamic organizational tool for admins. Thanks to previous updates, admins can categorize lists, tags, and custom fields under multiple folders. With this release, admins can now:
  • View, create, and manage all of their campaign's folders from the new "Folders" tab, under "Data."
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  • Assign actions and broadcast messages to multiple folders. Add existing actions or broadcasts to a folder from the action/broadcast page, or assign new actions/broadcasts to folders when creating the action/broadcast. Admins can see how many and which folders an action belongs to in the "Actions" tab.
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  • Manage duplicate folders. Each folder must have a unique name; if a campaign has multiple folders with the same name, those names were amended to include a number (1, 2, 3) at the end of the name.